Category: Infographic

How to Design Visually Attractive Infographics

Infographics are useful because people often learn better using visual cues. As a result, visual images can be used to present information in a simple but elegant manner, while language is used to supplement...

social stereotypes infographic

Social Stereotypes Infographic

Anybody with a website will know that you need an online presence to make your mark in the digital arena.  Social Media is the most effective way of building an online audience and communicating...

Blue in Web Design

Colors make our life more interesting and emotional. They reflect our feelings – light or dark, calm or aggressive. Also, they can be powerful tools in the hands of those who are aware of...

Top 5 Reasons to Build Infographics in HTML 5

Infographics are an excellent way of conveying information through visual representation. The concept behind inforgraphics is to deliver a large amount of information by visually documenting it in a flowing and easy to read...