Category: Web Design

5 Advantages of CSS Web Design

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is a language, which is used in a webpage’s presentation. Colours, fonts, layout, and many other things are included and handled by CSS. For people who like to add...

30 Pixel Perfect Bank Website Designs

Bank websites serve several different types of users. They serve consumers, businesses, and even investors. Therefore, the web design of the bank must provide the information that all these users need, in a clean...

Showcase of Nifty Textured Web Designs

Viewing these millions of websites has never been so magnificent without its beautifully laid out designs. Aside from being an informative, business-oriented and educational site, their background designs are so fascinating which amazingly captures...

Intro to HTML5 for Designers

HTML5 is an exciting new standard for web design and development, replacing the need for plugins like Flash and Java and instead harnessing the native browser power to achieve effects, functionality and forms not...