Tagged: graphic design

How Designers Take Inspiration From Lego

Lego, the much-loved children’s building blocks, have been around ever since the 1940s and their simple yet functional aesthetic has inspired many designers. The Lego block has remained unchanged for decades and is a...

10 Best Free Online Courses for Graphic Design

Despite living in the ‘information age’, knowledge seems paradoxically harder to acquire than ever. Ask anyone who’s ever used a search engine: for every relevant result to your query you’re going to get roughly...

16 Tips For Graphic Designers

If you want to become successful with your chosen career or path, let us say as a graphic designer, here are useful tips becoming better graphic designer. Collect any kind of artwork or design...

5 Free Alternatives to Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one such expensive tool which is considered to be the “the King of Kings’’. It has become the choice of the world because of a very obvious reason that it has...

Top 7 Mobile Apps for Editing Color Palettes

Colors are vital to the work of designers and artists, and anyone who needs to coordinate colors, such as marketing, wardrobe, or painting your house. Following on our post about iPad apps for web designers https://www.orphicpixel.com/some-must-have-ipad-apps-for-web-designers/,...

10 Responsive Design Tools

There are many tools and technologies that make creating a perfect website easier for users at any level. At the same time, web design has become more complicated because of the many browsers and...