Tagged: Video

Improve your Video with Stock Footage

So you’ve just finished shooting a video, and you’re in post-production. It’s time to put everything together into a coherent whole. It’s time to go through your shots and find stock footage to fill...

Nine Awe Inspiring, Creative YouTube Channels

With social media becoming a staple of online content, it has touched everything from the music to the marketing worlds. Anyone can have a YouTube channel, and in many cases they manage to use...

Real Time Web Videos

The real time web continues to gain traction as more and more users the value of this new information.  The real time web offers a way to find out what is being said right...

Breakin’ it out.

Last May 14, when I was having a video conference with my wife, same day when we celebrated our anniversary (not the time when we got married) but the day when she first answered...