Tagged: website

7 Sushi Website Designs for Inspiration

I have always had a weird fascination with restaurant websites and advertisements (Don’t judge me!). You can clearly see the differences between major chains and small establishments, with the first trying to be trendy...

The 7 Secrets to a Better Website

If you are planning to put up your own website for your business, person reasons or potentially something else, you probably know the importance of having a great website. Well, if you want to have...

Importance of Split Testing on a Website

One of the newest and most modern methods to test a website is split testing, a method, which is relatively new, and it was also proven as effective. It is the best method to...

Web Design Tips

The key to increasing your online presence is having a website. However, having a website is simply not enough. Note that, there are already millions of other websites competing for the same market as...