7 Life-Inspiring Images to Cheer You Up When You Feel Distressed

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Getting Dumped:

Sunset picture

Over the course of your life you are bound to be broken up with by somebody you think you love. It is one of the hardest things to go through, but we have all been there, and it is important to appreciate the beauty and the possibilities contained within the ending that, although difficult, is almost certainly for the best.

Being Fired:

This is a life-changing experience akin to being dumped. The possible impact this change can have on your life is immense but, as with all major upheavals, this is something from which you must approach with a positive outlook. Life will be different, it may even become hard, but the shake it gives you should be one that you embrace and use as a means to re-evaluate exactly what it is that you want from this world so full of endless opportunity.

Simply Feeling Sad or Down

Nobody has a monopoly on happiness. Even when everything in your life seems to be going according to the plan you have envisioned for it, there are still times when you may feel sad or down. This is simply one tiny aspect of the human condition. Just because it makes sense doesn’t mean that you should pretend it doesn’t exist. Let yourself have a little cry. Go shopping. Call up a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to in a while. Don’t be worried, it will pass!

At a Crossroads:


Sometimes you just need a change. Something has to give. The problem with this is that it can seem so difficult to know exactly where to start, and the place that you want to get to seems so far away. You probably feel like this because the change you need to make is a huge one and it is normal to feel slightly overwhelmed, but you can get where you want to be. Take a deep breath, write down a plan, see it in your mind’s eye; go for it.

Losing a Loved One:

This can be one of the most difficult experiences to have to suffer, especially when the loss comes quickly or unexpectedly. It is important more than ever to stay focused on the positives and the beauty that exist in the world. It is hard but we all have to accept death as the natural end-point of life. Even the most special and precious people will fade away. Cherish your memories of their life, take strength the lessons they left you, and strive to make them proud.

Moving Home:


Whilst this can be an exciting time, it can also be a highly stressful one which studies say is only second in terms of stress caused to the passing of a loved one. To move from the place you have always known to one that is completely alien, where you may not have any friends, is a massive life experience. As with all changes, accept both the good and the bad, look to find something familiar within this new place, and give yourself time to adapt.

Feeling lonely:


Everybody feels lonely at some point. No matter whether you are a bachelor, a divorcee, or a mother of five, there are always moments when we feel alone. Life can hit us like this no matter who we are or what we have. Try to smile, think about all of the good things that you have in your life. If you are truly alone it is often because you created this situation for yourself. A smile can turn everything around, maybe it will reassure you about where you, or maybe it will draw in that special person that you have always been waiting for.

Guest Post by Gracewell Healthcare – UK care homes provider.

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