Addressing 4 Content Creation Needs for Web Sites

    Categories: Articles

If you want to run a good informative web site, then you probably already know that the content is going to be the most important part of that web site. It is going to be the reason that new visitors come, and old visitors stay. It is going to be the property that Google’s algorithm will crawl again and again and again, making it very important that your content is high in quality not only for the readers eye, but for the search engines as well. There are many different uses for content – here are three prominent ones.

Article Directory Marketing

Article directories are web sites that allow you to submit articles to them for free. They usually allow you to have links within the content, and as long as your article meets their standards, it should go live within the site.



You should be warned, that you shouldn’t believe all the hype about article directory marketing. Their links have little “Juice” in them and they really will not drive too much traffic to your web site – that is unless of course, you submit to article directories at an amazing high volume. You see, article directory marketing content is the only type of content where quantity even comes close to matching quality. If you are able to submit to a very large amount of article directories, and you have the money and resources to do so, then you should definitely pull the trigger because at a high volume you will be able to pull tons of traffic and gain a lot of exposure through these articles. And even though the links provide little “Juice” they will still create “relevancy” so that Google can associate your web site with certain keyword phrases.

Guest Posting

What is guest posting? Guest posting is when you contact another web site, which usually has a blog, and ask if you can write a post on their site in exchange for a link. The web sites category should be relevant to yours and so should the topic that you write the article on.

Guest posting should be a key ingredient of your link building plan, however you should never approach guest posting as link building when it comes down to writing and submitting your article to other web site for review. Guest post writing has to be highly creative and it has to provide much value for the readers that will be reading it. The highest of quality is what you should strive for every time you write a guest post. This is because guest posting isn’t just link building, it’s building online relationships with other web sites, and the better the quality of the article, the better chance you will have with building great relationships with not only the owner of the web site but with the people who read the article and comment on it or visit your web site because of it’s high quality.

Press Releases

Press releases are one of the hardest types of content that you will need to write as a business owner. For this reason many companies outsource this type of work to a company that provides press release writing services. Press releases are supposed to keep a businesses customers in touch with their company, and are supposed to provide them with relevant and up to date information about anything to do with news, updates, new products or services, or anything that a business should feel like promoting at the time. All press releases should have a very catchy title and the first two or three sentences  should draw your customers in. Two other things that a press release should contain are a descriptive “about the company” section and a detailed “contact” section.

On-Site Content Creation

This will be the most important part of your content plan. Your on-site content will be what drives all of your traffic through your web site. There are a lot of different things that go into developing a content plan for your web site. Keyword research is very important as well as keyword placement and keyword density. You should have all sorts of different types of articles on your web sites. You should have short articles, long articles, and everything in between. Your content should be informative, as well as creative, and original.

On-site content creation is not something that most can do totally alone. In fact outsourcing some of the work load to professional article writers is always a good idea. One very good approach would be to hire a few in-house writers as well as outsource everything that it makes sense to outsource.

This article was written by Philip Rudy. Philip helps to run and maintain ContentCustoms.com – an Internet marketing company that provides many SEO services.


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