Boxes – An Essential Part of Home Shifting

Every one of us have done house shifting some time in our lives. We know all the pain and hassle it causes, if not done in time. Getting the right kind of boxes is the most important and initial part of shifting. Different sorts, shapes and sizes of household boxes are used for packing purposes. Some of the household boxes styles are mentioned below

  • Small boxes
  • Medium boxes
  • Large boxes
  • Heavy duty boxes

Each of these boxes are used for different purposes, for example, you can pack your toiletries in the small boxes. Whereas, medium sizes boxes can be used to pack bedroom things. Similarly, large boxes are used for living room and heavy duty boxes can be used for packing clothes.

Now that we have established which box is used for which part of the house. Let us look at other things that you might need as well.

  • Packing tape
  • Bubble wrap
  • Old newspapers
  • Stretch wrap for furniture
  • Marker
  • Labels

Once we have established all the things that we need to pack our house. Now let’s see how to pack for moving your home.

1. Early Packing

When you are packing a house, it is always a good idea to start early. The time it usually takes for a person to pack all the items, mainly depends on their number. Therefore, you should start two months earlier than the deadline, for a large house/flat. This time is a rough approximate and based on that you would be packing one household box per day. On the grounds of the same theorem you should start at least a month earlier for a small or a medium sized house/flat.

2. Easy Packing

The way to pack your whole house in the given amount of time, is for you to pack those items first that you use the least. For example, seasonal items such as coats, Christmas decoration, garden tools, etc. For such kind of packing you do not need a heavy duty box. You can work with medium sized double layered corrugated boxes.

3. Stay Organized

The most important thing about moving is staying organized. This is the tips which often neglected by movers. Therefore they always face problems when unloading. Pack one box at a time and label it at the same time. So you that you won’t get confused when you reach your destination.

4.   Declutter

The best way to arrange your items for a garage sale are in corrugates, cardboard and kraft boxes. These boxes are easily available at customboxesinc.com you can have them custom made as per your requirements. In case you decide to ship some of your home items outside the country, then talking to a professional would help you take a better decision. These customer representatives will help you decide which box would be apt for which item. For example, a corrugated double layer would be perfect for a shipping fragile or delicate items.

5. Be aware of Limitations

Be careful in the enthusiasm of shifting to a new place do not prone yourself to injury. Therefore, it is cautioned that when you are packing your things in a household box of any type DO NOT EXCEED THE LIMIT TO MORE THAN 30 POUNDS. You can accomplish them by packing light item into heavy boxes and heavy items into light boxes. This packing tip alone can save you a great deal of stress and pain.

6. Fill Empty Gaps

It is recommended that when packing your household boxes you should fill in the gaps with old newspapers, packing paper or just old unused clothes. This would secure the items in the box in case they have to face a rough ride during shipment.

7. Heavier Boxes on the Bottom

A matter of simple common sense the heavier things go on the bottom. So that these would not damage the most fragile and delicate items. Heavier items are more capable of withholding more wait. For examples, books and furniture parts are the best examples of which boxes should be loaded first.

8. Hazardous Items

Most mover companies avoid taking hazardous items with them. Even when packed in a box these item spresent a serious threat to the transport vehicle in case of any unforeseen accidents. Below given is the list of items that you should avoid transporting.

  • Boxes of paint
  • Cleaning products containing bleach
  • Pesticides
  • Asbestos
  • Batteries
  • Fluorescent tubes

9. Box of Essentials

The box of essentials is a box that contains those things that you would need immediately after reaching to your desired destination. This box can contain the following items.

  • snacks, canned or boxed food
  • can opener
  • eating utensils
  • pans and pots
  • towels and dishcloth
  • toiletries
  • baby supplies
  • pet food (if you have a pet)
  • instruction manuals for all your electric appliances remote controls
  • first aid kit
  • tool box

10. Customize on Demand

With customboxesinc.com by your side you can get your packing boxes printed in whichever way you heat desires. You have these boxes made already printed with labels for example, you can choose a cardboard box and have it printed “toiletries”, similarly on the second box you have printed with a sofa design and have it labeled as “living room”. With customboxesinc.com you can even have the dimensions of your box customized, for example, you can have a single or a double layered corrugated box. Customboxesinc.com can have your boxes delivered to you anywhere within the United Stated within 6 to 8 days.


Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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