Creative Showcase of Archan Nair

Today I will showcase the colorful and creative artwork of self developed artist.

Archan Nair is a self developed artist , Art Director and illustrator, based out of New Delhi, India.

Specializing in Mixed media, Illustration, and Digital Art, he has been producing visual art and interactive designs for Canon, Tiger Beer, Boss, Dodge, Microsoft, GQ, Sony etc. and he has been featured in various publications like Computer Arts, Digital Arts, Advanced Photoshop,GQ, Bak, Vanity Fair, and has been featured by Music Artists like Kanye West and more.

His vision has been to create highly intricate work inspired by various phases or moments of life.



If you wish to share a guest post, please do so whether its a roundup of design related ideas or tutorials.

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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