Creativity or Technique: Which is More Important in Photography?

    Categories: Articles

Photography is not just capturing moments, it is creating and preserving memories. Nowadays photography has taken an important turn. Thanks to the advanced technology in camera devices, pictures come out to be more than perfect.

But to get this perfection only using the right devices is not enough, the photographers need to understand the technicality of the devices and also be creative while clicking the photos. If you feel like you lack some theory knowledge on photography, try ordering some helpful papers on Domyhomework123.com. Moreover, a photographer’s knack for taking photos is very important in capturing the moment and making the picture look beautiful.


However, when it comes to photography, a photographer’s technique of taking a photo is very important. He should know the correct lights, correct angle, the right use of the equipment, and much more.

But is mere knowing the technique enough? Well, this is one tricky question. So let’s find out the answer.

Technique In Photography

When you learn photography, it may be a professional course or a casual internship, you happen to learn everything about the basics of photography. From lapse photography to the shutter closing and timings, every minute detail of capturing a photo can be taught and learned in photography.

Even if the equipment of photography has advanced drastically with time, learning the right techniques is important.

For example, when spring is just about to begin, the blooming of the first bud needs to be captured perfectly. And this perfection can only be achieved by the perfect techniques.

Some perfect techniques in photography include:

  • Lapse Photography
  • Light Tracking Imaging
  • Analysis Of Motion
  • Optical measurements to name a few

Once the above techniques are achieved, you can capture mesmerizing photos for sure. Learning photography is an ongoing process. You will learn a lot along the way. You may receive several teachings and advice, but the best way is to show how you see the world. So, let the world see the world through your lenses!

Creativity In Photography

Creativity in photography is like lighting up a dull moment. If you are creative in taking photos, a normal camera can also portray the most bewitching photos, anyone can ever imagine.

Creativity in photos is making it rain on the green grass without any clouds, making a clear, blue sky seem just perfect and on and on. There are so many perfect examples of creativity in photographs out there. There are times when formal equipment cannot shoot, what a simple camera does, and it is all because of creativity.

Nevertheless, creativity also lets you see what others cannot see. It lets you create a moment rather than just capturing one. You can easily distinguish a creative photo from a ‘just captured’ one! Creativity also means inserting the best filters and making an ordinary photo look extraordinary!

Creativity or technique?

In photography, there is always a debate asking what is important, should you be creative, or is the right technique enough? Well, the truth is that either is enough to take splendid photos. If you know your tools, techniques can be perfected with time, and if you are creative, then even a simple tool can create magic.

But just imagine what a beautiful array of photos can be created if both technique and creativity can be combined. If you are creative you know the right thing, and if provided the right technique that piece can be turned into a masterpiece.

Creativity is inbuilt and perfection has to be mastered. So a sprinkling of both will attain an immaculate and distilled picture.

Moreover, being creative in photos means identifying and seeing things in the place that no one else can figure out, and this cannot be learned. When a creative photographer gets hands-on techniques, he can create beautiful pictures.

But can a person with the best technique be creative? Well, there is a possibility that with time, creativity can be achieved but that may or may not be a match for in-born creativity.

To conclude,

Try being creative if it is not in-born. Try learning techniques even if your creativity is letting you take the best clicks. Whatever is the case, try mastering both the options because as said earlier, clicking photos is capturing memories and storing them forever.

And let this storage be the most incredible ones if it’s for you or anybody else. The blooming bud in spring will require the right light, angle, and technique to get a beautiful picture but if you are creative maybe even a sprinkle of water drops can do the magic!

Thus, in photography, creativity and techniques go hand in hand. So, get creative, learn the right technique, get the best equipment, and make the best out of what is available.

If you love clicking pictures you will create masterpieces with whatever you have!

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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