Different Types of Twitter Spams and How to Avoid Them

There has been a growing trend in Twitter that can be equated to spamming. A number of users on Twitter look at Twitter as a way to showcase their ads and a myriad of other annoying stuff. Since the inception of Twitter, users have seen different kinds of spams. If you find these spams vexing and would like to know how to get rid of them, you will find this article quite an interesting read. To find out more, keep reading to the very end.

Discussed herein, are different types of spams of Twitter and how to avoid them.

Different kinds of Twitter Spams

Listed below, are different kinds of Twitter spams you are most likely to come across:

#1: More Twitter Followers

In regards to other types of spams, this is the worst Twitter spam. These are simply brokers who are looking for ways to cash from you by providing you Twitter followers. It is for this reason that you should not just follow anyone on Twitter. While you will be able to acquire a fresh follower, they will not add any kind of value to virtually all your conversations.

#2: Spamming Hug Numbers of Users

This type of spamming is quite common amongst online businesses that are hoping to sell a product or service to one of the users they have twitted. Since Twitter was created with an intention of enabling users to interact with ease, the last thing that you want is being bombarded with adverts.

#3: Blank Shells

These types of spams are form individuals who operate bogus front businesses. In essence, these users are simply blatant promoters who tend to utilize Twitter as a means of making ends meet. Most of these people lack skills to offer to the large Twitter community.

#4: Pornographic Spams

More than often, you will come across tweets with links leading to a porn site or web camera where you can see nude women. The problem with following such conversations is that they will fill your account with porn stuff.

#5: Quotes

There are users on Twitter who utilize famous quotes as a way of getting a huge following and seem like real people.

How to Avoid Tweet Spams

The following are tips on how to avoid spam on Tweeter:

– Avoid following Twitter accounts which will spam you anything from quotes to business opportunities and porn. Should you find that one account you are following is becoming a nuisance by spamming useless messages, simply unfollow them.

– Block any Twitter account that bears an avatar. The same applies to Twitter accounts which add you within a spam sandwich tweet comprising of a link to a site which you know nothing about.

They key to avoiding spam on Twitter is starting to act like celebrities. You need to be overly concerned about whom you are following rather than who is following you. Therefore, before agreeing to follow someone, you need to make certain that they are users that can add value to your life. Otherwise, you will end up with someone that spams you most of the time.

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