Your Employees Should Be Your Most Valuable Asset

Your employees should be your most valuable asset. Of course, you might have more valuable assets from a monetary perspective. If you’re in the business of selling cars for example, one vehicle might cost more than three years of the salary contributions of an employee. This doesn’t mean a thing, because without the right employees happily working and acting as ambassadors for your brand, selling the item and managing those logistics are near impossible to truly contend with appropriately.

This means taking the best steps to ensure your staff are happily employed. When it comes to achieving this, there are many steps you can take. After all, a happy employee is worth their weight in gold, and likely more than you might be paying them. You might have heard the expression ‘you just can’t find the staff these days,’ which is a recognition that a valuable staff member is one of the, if not the most important human asset to benefit your firm.

Here are some pre-emptive tips to ensure you experience no problems:

Correct Delegation

It’s important for delegation to work well. If business tasks are too loaded onto any one staff member, they are sure to voice that concern. Too much work stresses out a staff member, and demotivates them before coming to work. Pile on the work and complain about their lack of progress, and you can be sure to experience some form of fireworks, or a simple voluntary leaving of their post. This means finding methods to prevent any staff from experiencing too high a volume of work is important.

The first method you can use is always to hire your managers internally, people who have completed the job role they are currently presiding over. They will have a natural understanding of how the job works and the best methods for optimizing progress. It also means keeping a close eye on your managers, because often extensive workload faults originate there.

You might also consider how much work you force your staff to do in general. Taking on orders you have no hopes of fulfilling in a rational timeline simply because you want the investment is a difficult thing to sell to your clients. No one enjoys working forced overtime if they’d prefer a much more simple work-life balance. It’s also never fun to try and socially and subtly pressure people into working harder than they should be.

You might also allow for a regular posting of feedback comments into your office box. This will quickly let you know the most candid thoughts of your employees. If the issues of too much (or not enough!) work come to you, then take further steps to improve that. A satisfied employee is someone who feels challenged and well utilized each day, but also respected and not swamped in too much from day to day. If you’re reading this as an employee and you feel that this sounds like an overly ideal scenario, it doesn’t have to be. Remember this fact when you attain a position of power in your business or the one you currently work in, and you’ll make the life of the workers under you that little bit easier.


Now, you don’t always need to offer your salaried employees benefits depending on the nature of the job. For the most part though it is customary, and this can attract a higher standard of worker to your job role. EAP services can allow you to manage all form of health-related issue that occurs in the life of your standard employee. This covers physical and mental health, as both of them contribute to the life of your firm. Of course, it’s not only  matter of how well they contribute to your brand, but how comfortable and able they feel each day to even attend. As a boss, it’s likely you have the wellbeing of your employees in mind from an emotional level. No one enjoys a degree of suffering in their office, so ensuring your business caters to responding to this can work well.

It can also pay for the little things to be taken care of, such as pre-emptive dental work stopping potentially a week of dental work in the future, along with debt and legal advice when they need it most. Despite your best intentions, it’s not as if you can prevent the personal life of an employee from affecting their work either. For example, if your employees experience bereavement, you can expect that to affect their behaviour, productivity and overall daily presence to the point where you may need to address it.

In this instance, you might consider an internal HR department (well developed) as a benefit provided by your firm. This can allow your staff to work on expressing their issues in confidence, allowing you to truly take care of your staff from an emotional level.


Like most assets, your employees can also be optimized in the value that they create for your firm. This doesn’t mean treating them like machines in the least. It means incentivizing and rewarding them for work well done. For example, let’s say that there are sales targets to meet. Well, the first five employees that win this target might be entitled to a little extra Christmas bonus. It might be that the entire team is rewarded with a percentage of your massive recent order fulfilment if you meet it on time and without problems. Staff are working for a reason, and that’s usually for financial reward. It could be a skillset, in which case providing internal qualifications can help in this instance too.

However, whatever reward you choose it’s important to allow your employees a chance of truly reaching them. This puts everyone on the same playing field, and allows for either friendly competition or co-operation to meet the most important yearly demands that come your way.

With these tips, you can be sure that your employees are seen as human assets to be well utilized, rather than machines to optimize.

Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.