Exhibition Marketing Strategy within the Social Sphere

Social media platforms have developed into a dominant force in both our personal and professional lives. The social sphere has become a trading platform for small business’s seeking to export their products, services and brand to the global market place. Recent industry figures have cited the Twitter population at 2.6 million in the UK and 144 million worldwide, whilst Facebook has 500 million active users and LinkedIn 50 million.  Exhibitors are seeing social media as an opportunity to connect with their global audience during a show. Social media is seen as a cost effective marketing tool, allowing you to interact with your audience in a social environment.

Through following a clear four step methodology at the exhibition, you can ensure the maximum exposure within social media.

Building the Exhibition Excitement.

Prior to a show you need to promote your attendance of the show via your social channels, encouraging people to visit your stand if they are going to be at the event. Update your Facebook status or create a Facebook fan page if you don’t already have one. Tweeting snippets of the product and perhaps tagging the design of the bespoke exhibition stand  on Pinterest or Flicker. Whilst the content is creating a media buzz around the Exhibition it may also generate traffic to your website and build your online audience.

Delivering Social Media Success.

During the show encourage customers to Tweet their real-time experiences, tweet about the great things you are doing or have seen. Ensure any printed promotional products include references to your social media channel so they can be accessed outside of the show.

Post Show Communication

After the show thank people for attending and produce a communication stream on social channels and emails to demonstrate your appreciation and continue the PR campaign. Updating statuses with fun facts from the show is a popular form of engagement. Fostering stronger business connections with those you developed a personal relationship with at the show should remain a priority, and a chance to capitalise on your exhibition success.


A good social media strategist sets themselves goals before a campaign start. Recording interactions and results throughout the campaign is a vital part of the process. There are a variety of social media tools like Hoot Suite which allows you to review the market place and track traffic and social shares which will provide a boost to your business services.

Author Bio – James Barnett is an Exhibition Marketing enthusiast and former Business Consultant researching the Social Sphere’s relationship with the Creative Industries on behalf of Nimlok UK, distributor of Modular Exhibition Stands.

image source http://www.nimlok.co.uk/exhibition-stand-portfolio/

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