Five Ways to Optimize Each Page of your Website for Maximum Traffic

Are you searching for web optimization techniques?  Here are some things you can do to get your website ready for business.  The five tips below will help you attract users and retain them for return traffic.

1.  Content is King

Your target audience needs to find you. The more hits generated on the page, the better the chance of getting future recommendations and even more traffic.  Getting a visitor to your webpage is the first step. Here is how to improve the chances of that happening. Content is king and the right keywords will summon the spiders from the search engines (spiders go out and find key words and bring them back to the search engines). Good key words are the best way to get the right people, because these trigger the search engine to bring up your site in any search (you want your site to be in the top thirty of any search, by the way)

2.  Keywords in your URLs

Each page of your website should have the keyword or keywords within its URL. For example, if a keyword for your website is “cats”, you should personalize your website to be something about cats. If your website has different pages for different subjects, then using the main key word in the meta-tags (title and description) for that page increases the chance of traffic heading to that page and, of course, your entire website. If you use html for a link, and have a word or phrase to lick on, put the keyword in there. If you have advertisements on your page, they should be there to help you as well. Web ads that also link up with your site can draw a crowd to you, particularly if some of your keywords are in the ad itself.

3.  Make Your Site User Friendly

If you are linking your page, be sure the link goes directly to the page linked with that keyword. That makes the page a “landing page” and it’s important. If the link just goes to your homepage, a user might not want to search for the page he or she needs. However, if the link connects to the correct page, the landing page, there is a good chance the visitor will stay on your website and do some exploring. Your website should be user friendly. No one wants to go to a site and get lost. Take a good look at your site and see if it is easy to navigate and interesting as well. Creative links on the homepage that a visitor can use is a good way to do both. Make sure that the important information and images are at the top of the page. That is where the eye of the user naturally goes first so that they know they are at the right place.

4.  Consider Surveys

If you have the opportunity, either through your host or by using HTML codes, add a comment page or a survey. This way you can have your user leave comments which will give you insight as to what they like and what they don’t. This allows them to help you shape your website so it’s more user-friendly and also attracts more traffic to your pages thus more authority.

5.  Put Yourself in the User’s Shoes

To optimize your site to users, try to look at it through their eyes. What do you think a visitor would want to see right away?  If you begin to think like the user, your site will attract more of them!

Kimberly Clark is a Content Strategist who enjoys helping clients navigate through SEO in Louisville and beyond.  From planning to ongoing content strategies, she has a deep understanding of the tools of the trade like targeted term tracking for SEO.  Kimberly is also a data fiend and uses it to develop unique, original and interesting web content that keeps visitors engaged and interacting. She works at: www.VIAStudio.com

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