How Long Can a Website Stay On Top?

Business owners have their eyes on three major search engines and they are continually plagued with the question of how they will be able to get their business websites to top these major search engines. To aid them in their bid, tons of firms that specialize in making these websites top the search engine results have emerged. Although there are firms that are able to deliver, there are some questionable ones that can only sustain these results for just a week tops. The difference between these firms is the manner of which they were able to reach the much coveted goal in the first place.

In order for your website to be on top of the search engine results for a longer period of time, it is crucial that you post high quality content. Although the use of keywords is often required, these keywords and key phrases should never be used more than necessary. Your content should be written so that it not only satisfies the search engine bots’ standards but, most importantly, also your readers. Post newsworthy articles, press releases, videos and podcasts.

Social Media
Tapping on the power of social media can be difficult and the process may not always yield favorable results right away. However, it is always a good thing to make use of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. In order to be successful with this, one must make use of highly targeted advertising. Because being “liked” or “followed” is the ultimate goal when social media is involved, giving out freebies is technique that is worth trying. And because making tweets or statuses involves wit, an engaging copywriter is often employed to meet this criterion.

What Not to Do
After exploring the duo that is good content and proper utilization of social media, one has to know what to avoid. Black hat tricks may work for some time but when Google is able to get a whiff of these tricks, it will make sure that everything will backfire on you. Some tricks including spamming high ranking blogs by posting irrelevant comments just to get backlinks. Another black hat trick involves breaking into .gov and .edu websites by making spammy comments on articles just to get valuable backlinks. Lastly, spun content will never get a website far. People will find it painful to read their articles and, although they can’t read, the search engine bots won’t be so happy with these posts as well.

Chris Marentis writes from experience about lead generation, closing the sale and leveraging social media. He is the founder and CEO for a local internet marketing company Surefire Social, a resource for local search marketing


Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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