How to design SEO Optimized Mobile Responsive Sites With Web Design and Development

Having an SEO friendly website can help you improve your SERP ranking. If your website ranks higher on the program’s results page, it will give your business better visibility. But, when it comes to designing an SEO-friendly website, most companies consider implementing SEO tactics only after the website is up. That’s where they go wrong. The easiest way to build an SEO-friendly website is to recruit an SEO expert from scratch.

Create mobile-friendly web designs:

With 2.7 billion Smartphone users across the globe, you won’t be ignorant of your website’s mobile-friendly compatibility. Thanks to the increasing number of mobile device users, Google’s algorithms are designed to give priority to sites that respond to mobile devices. To come back with SEO-friendly website designs, confirm that the online design process takes mobile users into account.

Responsive web design means you don’t have separate mobile, tablet, and PC versions of your site – the placement is tailored to the size of the screen it’s displayed on. Regardless of the device, a visitor uses to access your site; they will see all the content they need to provide (no more mobile versions of partial content of the sites) and will see it legibly.

How does it work?

Sounds too good to be true, right? It started with a reasonably simple theory from Ethan Marcotte during a 2010 article titled “Responsive Web Design.” Rather than creating a screen-centered, 800-pixel-wide web page, responsive web pages are made up of elements that adapt to the size, shape, and placement of the width of the browser screen. Elements determine screen size using CSS media queries.

Here’s what you’ll do to come back with an SEO-friendly website design:

Create mobile-friendly web designs:

With 2.7 billion Smartphone users across the globe, you won’t be ignorant of your website’s mobile-friendly compatibility. Thanks to the increasing number of mobile device users, Google’s algorithms are designed to give priority to sites that respond to mobile devices. To come back with SEO-friendly website designs, confirm that the online design process takes mobile users into account.

Design for User Intent:

Developing SEO friendly websites requires teamwork. Let SEO experts and content writers influence keyword research and SEO-friendly website content; make sure your web designer is ready to make a design that speaks to your users and facilitates an easy and hassle-free experience.

Image optimization:

Images play a crucial role in the design and development process of a website. Having unique and relevant images can attract more users to your site. But, to make sure your website is SEO friendly, you need to optimize these images.

Use high-resolution images that are not distorted when viewed on the screen of a mobile device or tablet. Reduce the file size of images to improve website loading time and use “alternative text” to explain your images to search engines.

Create crawlable site structures:

Poor website structures make it difficult for crawlers to access your site pages. And it is likely to affect the user experience as well. To deal with this, confirm that your site is structured according to a logical hierarchy.

Before digging in, confirm the location structure to allow better navigation. Design your website so that users can access product information or continue to the purchase page with a minimum of clicks.

Take care of the URL structure:

If you want to come back with SEO friendly web design, you can’t afford to miss out on this step. Use a hierarchical URL structure with consistent naming conventions so that both users and search bots can easily understand what the page will be about.

Use keywords in title tags and Meta descriptions:

this doesn’t mean you just need to resort to keyword stuffing. While inserting keywords into title tags and Meta descriptions, remember that it must be readable and impactful to users.

Benefits of having an SEO-friendly website.

Increased Visibility:

By optimizing the website design and development process by SEO, your website is likely to be shown to more and more people. SEO-friendly websites tend to rank higher on Google, suggesting that having an SEO-friendly website can improve rankings. If your website ranks higher in search engines, it will give your business better visibility and more traffic.

Better brand:

if your website ranks higher in search engines; it will give your business better visibility. As your website becomes more and more visible to people over a period of your time, you are likely to extend the souvenir value of your brand or business. Therefore, a website optimized for SEO can generate a better brand.

Increased conversions:

SEO-friendly websites make it easier for users to succeed in the specified call to action. The number of conversions coming from a website depends on how obvious and simply available the decision to act is. In optimized SEO, the stock decision is conveniently placed to allow conversion.

Low bounce Rates:

An SEO-friendly website takes care of the user interface and experience. These websites have adequate loading time and an attractive mix of high-quality images, videos, and interesting content to keep users busy.

This reduces the bounce rate. Responsive web design can be a configuration where the server always sends an equivalent HTML code to all or any device and CSS is used to change the rendering of the page on the device.

Google’s algorithms should be ready to automatically detect this setting if all Googlebot user agents can crawl the page and its assets. For users, this suggests that font sizes may appear inconsistent, and users may need to double-tap or pinch-to-zoom to be ready to view and interact with content. For Google, we would not judge a page as mobile-friendly because it requires this kind of interaction on a mobile device.

Renu Bala is working as a blogger for Asclique Innovation And technology. She provides 6 PHP Frameworks that are in High Demand in 2020 and has a team of expert Digital Marketer to assist her in every project. Get in touch with her now for any assistance regarding Digital Marketing. Follow her company, Asclique Innovation And technology on Linkedin.

Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.