How to get more attention for your business online

    Categories: Articles

You’re a small or medium enterprise with a good website that tells potential customers how great your products and services are. But a website alone is not enough to drive traffic to your site – the most successful businesses use additional online marketing methods to drive traffic towards their site and ultimately drive sales. Cross channel marketing is a key component of running a successful business, so if you’re interested, here’s a run-down of the best platforms to help your business succeed online!

Facebook ads

Social media is a sure-fire way to attract extra attention to your business, however big or small, and Facebook advertising is a good way to engage with users who are likely to be interested in your product. The humanisation of your brand on Facebook is key to attracting more likes and increasing engagement, so approaching your Facebook page with less emphasis on promotion is a good starting point

By advertising on Facebook you are targeting users who have already chosen to interact with the website, making them more likely to trust your ad. It’s also easy to target certain demographics, according to age, gender, location and interests. And every time a user clicks your advert, this will be shared with their Facebook friends – broadening your outreach even more.

Promoted tweets

Another good way to attract attention online is to use promoted tweets on Twitter and as an advertiser you can purchase a promoted tweet in order to reach a wider group of users.

They’re labelled as ‘promoted’ so that users know you have paid for them, but other than that they work in the same way as regular tweets. Twitter users can retweet, reply to and favourite your promoted tweets and SMEs can use promoted tweets to encourage particular actions, such as making the most of a sale or a special offer, generally, promoted tweets receive between a 2-3% conversion rate, so you can be sure to receive a noticeable traffic uplift from your efforts.

Aside from promotion, try to encourage further engagement by including a call-to-action on your tweets and track any clickable links with a URL shortening service such as https://bitly.com/.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Google Adwords is a cost-effective way for SMEs to reach users who have already expressed an interest in their product or service. They allow you to target specific users based on location and what they have already searched for – so you know you’re targeting users who are more likely to click on your ad and most importantly, make a purchase.

And since you only pay for PPC when a user has clicked on an ad, it’s easy for SMEs to manage how much they’re spending and predict how many sales will be generated. If you’re interested in finding out how PPC services can benefit your business, BT offers a wide range of affordable and fully managed PPC packages to suit both large and small businesses. To find out more visit .

Martin Crutchley is a 20-something tech and digital marketing enthusiast who enjoys the odd cup of earl grey and climbing extremely high things on the weekend, you can usually find him over at websites.bt.com sharing insights and other industry related musings.

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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