Color of Passion: Top 10 Red WordPress Themes

Red is one of those colors that is used to attract attention. Traditionally, it’s a color of love and passion. Sometimes it is used to symbolize danger and pain. But one thing is for...

The Best Countries for Bloggers

You may think that this post does not make sense. What’s the relevance of a country for a blogger?  Bloggers publish their work online for everyone to see, so their location supposedly does not...

How to Create Interactive Mobile App Designs

With a growing usage of smartphones and tablets; mobile app development market is evolving enormously. In addition to this, startups and well-established businesses are realizing the importance of having a mobile app. Most of...

Bluehost 14th Anniversary Sale!

Bluehost is turning 14 and they want to celebrate with us. The leading web solutions services provider. Since their founding in 2003, Bluehost has continually innovated new ways to deliver on their mission: to empower people...