Norton 2013

A Parent’s Best Friend; Norton 360 2013

Years ago, my youngest brother and my son both had mild cases of chicken pox. It was irritating and uncomfortable, but didn’t do any major damage, and went away pretty fast. My neighbor exposed...

Five non-WordPress apps to aid your blog

WordPress has grown over time to become one of the best blogging platforms available today. This is largely due to its accessibility, and the ease with which even somebody with relatively little experience can...

10 Excellent SEO WordPress plugins

With over million of blogs in existence, how do people find your blog in the internet? The key starts with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which is an art of making your website/content popular to...

Up the Vine

Vine, created by Twitter, is a new mobile app to create short videos. From what we can see, the app is already shaping up to change the way companies do mobile marketing and could...

10 Free Video Gallery Like WordPress Themes

If you are creating a website or blog, use WordPress as it is one of the best CMS available. Building a WordPress website using WordPress themes is a good strategy to impress vistiors.Millions of...

PROS and CONS of using Twitter Bootstrap

What is Twitter Bootstrap? Simply said, Twitter Bootstrap is an absolutely free, thanks to Twitter’s Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, “multi-toolkit” for web designers. Twitter Bootstrap offers HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts,...

Tips for Using Pinterest Effectively

Nowadays, Pinterest has become a popular buzzword in social media circles. Since being launched in 2010, this visually-oriented network has attracted millions of users from all over the world. However, despite its popularity, many...