Popular Alternatives to Ajax

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Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a collection of interconnected techniques for the development of the internet and are used on the client-end to produce asynchronous software programs for the internet which in turn uses Ajax to send and recover data asynchronously (in the backdrop) from a web server without getting in the way of the display and performance of the open internet page. Though Ajax is the key solution used for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) for dynamic web sites, there are numerous alternatives to Ajax some of which are as follows:

  • XUL (XML User Interface Language) – It is pronounced as “zool”. Mozilla developed XUL to create feature loaded applications that run even when the system is not connected to the internet. It provides a universal set of user interface widgets and components which can be personalized and as it uses DTD, XML and Javascript, DHTML developers can easily learn to use it. However, the major disadvantage is that since this caters only to Firefox users, it cannot be considered a universal solution. Nevertheless it will be helpful in the future as browsers based on Mozilla continues to take over the market and thus XUL will need to be considered as an alternative to Ajax.  XUL is similar to the Ajax framework except that it allows for the creation of dynamic web content without necessitating refreshing of the page.
  • Java Applets – These rich customer tools for browsers are used to attach Sun Microsystems’ Java programs to an HTML internet page and can thus serve the purpose as Ajax.  Applets lets the programmers use an “object-oriented programming language”, even as Java code runs in the virtual computer, JVM, which has a “sandbox” for memory. The Java code runs on all platforms, living up to its motto, “Write once, run anywhere” due to JVM. A significant security feature of applets is that applets have the right to use only the memory fixed for its sandbox. Some of the problems of Java are that is requires a plug-in that has to be set up manually for some browsers, JVM should be running to start Applets and at times it might take time to download JVM which may very well be considered as the most serious hitch as web users typically expect faster and better performance than desktop users. However it is still used a great deal in web sites, like RefinanceMortgages.com and Facebook.com.
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) – This is a W3C language based on XML to describe graphical applications and 2D graphics and can thus be used to create dynamic internet pages without refreshing the page. Though Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, does not support SVG, numerous plug-ins are available for other browsers like Safari and Konquerer, to provide SVG content. It is this lack of Internet Explorer compatibility that is restraining the use of SVG.
  • Ruby on Rails – This is a free “object-oriented language” used to develop a database-driven internet application subsequent to the “Model View Controller” (MVC) design process that has acquired a lot of media attention in the preceding few years. “Ruby on Rails” focuses on simplicity of development, and has two well-known sayings – the first one “Don’t Repeat Yourself – DRY “ –is intended at reducing wasteful repetition of code or data and the second one “Convention over Configuration” initiates users to avoid conventional configuration. Ruby is inherently available in Rails and is simple to use.
  • XAML (Zaml) – This is pronounced as “zammel”.  It is an “eXtensible Application Markup Language”, and is the core of Microsoft’s idea of application development plan along with “Windows Presentation Foundation”. With XAML, Microsoft is planning to replace Flash, PDF and HTML. XAML will bring 2-D and 3-D imaging, animation, video, audio, etc. and is believed to erase the difference between the desktop and internet applications.
  • Flash – Adobe’s Flash is a dominant and comparatively omnipresent RIA tool alternative to Ajax. Though it was initially a plug-in application, it began distributing its player application with Windows XP, in 2000. Though Flash provides some of the finest rich internet user experiences, along with multimedia, there is a issue with privacy and security as the Flash Player writes down files to the user’s computer and configuration or “Settings Manager” installed in it.


However, the final choice of the tools to be used will depend on one’s intention and on how agreeable one is to include another device to the kit.
This is a guest post by Mark Bennett of Onlinecomcast.com, a site that offers savings and current information on comcast xfinity packages for comcast xfinity internet and comcast xfinity modem.



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