Why SEO Management is the Most Important Digital Marketing Service

    Categories: Articles

Due to the ever-changing nature of digital marketing, the different services available can go from essential to obsolete in a matter of months. However, one tool has always been at the forefront of the digital marketing landscape and that’s SEO.

Here we’re going to run through three of the key reasons why SEO never fails to impact businesses utilizing the digital space today.

High ROI

Whilst the effectiveness of the different digital marketing tools continually fluctuates, at a fundamental level all marketing techniques focus on the same goal – ROI.

Return on investment is the key to business growth and therefore, everything a company invests in must be done with this key metric in mind. For most, it can be difficult to know exactly how much revenue an SEO campaign is producing; however, there is no doubt that it is an invaluable tool for businesses and this is why:

SEO, when taken advantage of correctly, has one major effect on your business: increased traffic to your website. Whilst this alone isn’t enough to create sales, it’s the type of traffic that has the true value. Through SEO you can not only get more visits to your website, but you can decide who is arriving through keywords, ensuring that you’re only spending money on the leads most likely to purchase your product or service.

This ability to focus on the specific keywords that will benefit your business most is what truly makes SEO an invaluable digital marketing tool. However, the keyword research and analysis required to fine tune SEO campaigns is why most SMEs utilise digital marketing services to get the most out of their money.

Gaining Ground on Competitors

44.6% of clicks are on the first result of a search engine results page. Thinking about that for a moment, if you hold the first position for the relevant keyword you are targeting, you are potentially stealing 40% of that page’s traffic away from your competitors; or the traffic is at least seeing your website first.

On the flip side, if you don’t hold the first position, then your competitors are potentially taking that 40% away from you. More businesses are starting to realise how easy and how effective the implementation of SEO is, so it’s important that you beat them to it and assert your brand’s expertise before your position gets challenged.

Business is a difficult world to live in and to stay in the game you must move with the times.

Easily Trackable Metrics

Google owns 72% of the search engine market, or 92% if you’re focusing solely on mobile. As a marketer, this makes life easy because you can focus on Google wholeheartedly. Google currently has a plethora of applications to help your marketing efforts, including Google AdWords and Google Analytics. The best part is that these applications can communicate with each other efficiently, making it simple to see the effects of your marketing campaigns.

From both a business and a marketing perspective, this is invaluable. These applications form the backbone of most SEO campaigns because not only can you see your ROI, but you can see what isn’t working and improve on it. This is the very basics of marketing, continual improvement to generate more leads and more sales.

To Conclude

SEO is in its prime and going nowhere. With every year that passes it has more of an impact on the digital marketing landscape. If you’re not already leveraging SEO to benefit your business then you should start; or get in touch with a digital marketing service to help you.

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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