The History of HTML5 in Line with Popular Culture Events

This infographic is a visual tool that you can use to find out about the history of HTML5.  In fact, it’s not just the history of HTML5 that you get, it’s a complete history of computers and the internet (though it’s not too detailed) side by side with what was happening in popular culture at the same time.  It’s a really useful way to find out what was going on in computers at any point since the 1980’s.  Just choose a year and you can see the important celebrity news from that year as well as how far we’d come with computers at the same time.  For instance, if you check out 1991, that was when Nirvana released their brilliant album Nevermind, heralding the beginning of Grunge music (that’s a really important point for me as I’ve always loved Grunge).  What did surprise me was that the first ever website was created at the same time.  Back when I was buying Nirvana albums (on vinyl, no less), I’d barely heard of computers.  I knew that some companies had them in their offices, but I’d never have imagined then that computers and the internet would become so mainstream.  Nowadays, we take it for granted that most people have a computer and access to the internet – it’s hard to imagine how we managed without it.

Via: Wix.com

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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