Three Skills That All Bloggers Need To Hone

    Categories: Articles

Whether you blog for a business or call yourself a full-time blogger, blogging on your own site, there are certain skills that you need to hone. Blogging and marketing online are the future. But you need to be doing it right to make the most of it and to make sure that your blog and posts don’t just get lost in the world wide web. Here are some ways that you should be checking your skills in, to make the most of your blog and maximize traffic to your site.


Content Writing

At the end of the day, the content that you share is what is going to keep people coming back time and time again. So you need to make sure that your content writing skills are up to scratch. Are you making common spelling or grammar errors? Do you regularly write similar adjectives, instead of being more creative and using other synonyms? Finding a writing platform that works best for you is a good idea too. Choosing a platform like Microsoft Word or Google Documents is often preferred as it is a better way to check spelling and grammar, rather than writing straight into your WordPress posting page. Then you can simply copy and paste the corrected content across. If you need to even improve your skills on those platforms, then why not look out for some Microsoft Word training courses online or a Google Docs tutorial? Content is what you need to be found online, so it needs to be the best it can be.

Infographic Design

As another way to mix up the content that you share, you could create infographics for your readership to enjoy. It makes a change from standard content, and Google likes to have different content to trawl through. So it can make a massive difference to how you’re found and the site visitors that you get. But you need to have an infographic that looks professional and smart for it to be taken seriously. If you’re not up on your graphic design, then practice somewhere like Canva, on the infographic section, to see what works and what doesn’t.

SEO Good Practice

Having good content is key for getting readers and is what will help you get shares and comments as they want to interact with it. However, there is only so far that that will get you. One viral post does not a blogger make. So you need to learn about SEO and the best practices for your site and content. Make sure you’re up to scratch on keywords and adding alternative text and tags to your images. Create content that is a good length, as search engines like those kinds of articles. Use the right kind of links (follow or no-follow), and remember the importance of the titles of content, as well as the URL slug. When you’re checking all of this, it will help to make your site more visible and get you plenty of hits on your site.

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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