Top 5 Mockup Tools for Web Designers in 2020

Whether you’re a professional web designer, graphic designer or are looking for ways to prototype and ideate your own blog or website in 2020, using reliable tools to do so is essential. According to Tech Jury, 48% of people use a website’s design as a deciding credibility factor of an online business, with 73% of companies actively investing in web design to better differentiate from the competition. These numbers are further proven by statistics published by 99 Firms which reported that 94% of negative website feedback is related directly to its design, with 66% of users actively looking for visually appealing websites before they settle on which to follow or purchase from.

Thus, whether you find yourself in the shoes of the designer or the business owner, finding reliable, dedicated tools to augment your website’s visuals and functionality in the current year is highly important. That being said, let’s take a look at several of the top website mockup tools for web designers to utilize in 2020 in order to get the most out of their and their clients’ websites.

  1. Adobe XD

    When it comes to heavy-hitting, full-stack website mockup and prototyping tools for web design, you can’t go wrong with Adobe XD. Adobe is well-known for their support of creative design, UX and all things visual throughout the years. With their XD outing, Adobe is enabling web designers to quickly and easily prototype web pages, test their responsive design and change a variety of elements and variables throughout the process with a push of a button.

    As part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud, XD allows for cloud-storage of created prototypes and integration with other tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Bridge just to name a few. In conjunction with dedicated copywriting tools and services such as Classy Essay and Evernote, Adobe XD can effectively transform the way you approach web design ideation, creation and prototyping in 2020 and beyond.

  2. ProtoPie

    An important point of contempt most web designers face sooner or later relates to coding knowledge. A good website design mockup tool should allow for straightforward prototyping and design without that particular know-how, however. ProtoPie is a mockup tool dedicated to seamless and user-friendly website mockup creation in a matter of minutes with no coding knowledge required whatsoever.

    You can create interactive website mockups through ProtoPie and its UI which can then easily be shared and presented to your clients to avoid unnecessary revisions and fixes once you start the project itself. ProtoPie is one of the more intuitive and flexible free mockup tools on the market, making it useful for both web design novices and established professionals alike.

  3. JustInMind

    Settling for a reliable website design mockup tool that can serve both as a creative playground and prototyping suite can be difficult. However, with tools such as JustInMind available on the market, web design professionals finally have access to full-stack design mockup tools with an expansive array of features and benefits. JustInMind allows for responsive design projects, online web design collaboration as well as a large set of integrations with other mockup tools and design platforms.

    Jonathan Michael, Head of UX Development at Top Essay Writing had this to say on the topic of website mockups: “You want the tools you rely on to be simple yet flexible, visually-appealing yet deep enough to serve all your clients’ needs. Finding such a tool and settling into a healthy routine of using its features to their fullest will allow you to break new web design ground and build your personal style for the market.”

  4. MockPlus

    User Interface (UI) design is often an overlooked element of web design which is relegated to whichever theme a client decides to use in their final website. However, MockPlus is one of the most useful free mockup tools on the market in terms of UI prototyping and early production in web design no matter the scale or purpose of your project.

    The feature list of MockPlus is extensive and includes options such as collaborative online coediting, pre-made templates which can help you get started with new projects, as well as full integration with popular Adobe tools in the efforts to create interactive mockups for your clients’ benefit. In addition, MockPlus is hardly a complex mockup tool to grasp, making it an amazing gateway for novice web designers who wish to learn about prototyping in a concise and user-friendly manner for an upcoming project.

  5. Fluid UI

    Lastly, if you want a website design mockup tool with a balance of built-in assents and flexibility in creating your own, Fluid UI has you covered. The platform is built with rapid-fire prototyping and website mockup in mind, allowing for extremely fast and fluid (no pun intended) creation of a plethora of design solutions in a matter of minutes.

    The features presented by Fluid UI extend to its built-in review forms, collaboration invite system, live presentation functionality, as well as live chat with the dev team whenever you get stuck or want to pull off an advanced design move but don’t know how. Combined with writing tools akin to Studyker and Readable, you can create fully-functional website mockups for your clients with all the copywriting elements present throughout.

To Summarize

Using free mockup tools in tandem with a web design repository of appealing visuals, fonts and prototyping elements will allow your final products to shine bright and leave the clients satisfied with your services. Make sure to give each website mockup a fair shot before you decide whether or not it is the right fit for your needs and sensibility as a creative designer. Once you find a balance that suits your needs, all that remains will be to build amazing websites and your career as a web design professional as we move forward into 2020.

Bio: Nicole Garrison is a professional Content Writer, Editor and frequent contributor to Write Scout and Subjecto writing platforms. She has made it her mission to bring relevant insight into different digital industries to readers across the globe in a variety of written content types. In her spare time, Nicole makes it a habit to read and spend as much time outside as possible.

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Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.